Life is what you believe it to be
Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba

Life is what you believe it to be

If you believe life is an adventure, life will be an adventure for you. If you believe life is difficult, life will be difficult for you. If you believe life is full of suffering, life will be full of suffering for you. If you believe life is beautiful, life will be full of beauty for you. If you believe life is loving, life will be full of love for you. Life can be beautiful, adventurous, full of love, health, wealth..……… life can be whatever values/containers are most important for you.

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Waited For The New Moon To Write This Post
Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba

Waited For The New Moon To Write This Post

Sunday is usually the day I dedicate to sending out this free newsletter to all. Why Sunday? You may ask, it is the day where I can truly give energy, love and knowing to sharing the things I love that are meaningful, healing and knowledgeable to others.

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Self Care - Very Important
Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba

Self Care - Very Important

There is always a lesson to be learned in life, both for your personal growth and to help others awaken. One crucial lesson, unique to each individual, is the importance of self-care. This type of self-care goes beyond the surface level and encompasses various aspects.

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Emotional Hangover. What Is It?
Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba

Emotional Hangover. What Is It?

Most people may not even be aware of this context, emotional hangover. What is it and how can it affect you? Emotional hangover is a state of feeling really tired, low in energy and generally feeling off in a terrible sort of way.

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Get Yourself Together
Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba

Get Yourself Together

So you’ve woken up again today, with the same mindset, the mindset of gloom and doom. How you are not doing enough, good enough, too busy to self care, too busy to look after your physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, energetic and psychological health. You catch yourself complaining again about how life is not working well for you.

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Ancestral/Family Inheritance
Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba

Ancestral/Family Inheritance

What have you inherited from your family? What legacy and inheritance are you going to carry forward and leave behind? Some of the things you inherited from your family lineage have helped you to survive and they can also help you thrive. Yet some of the things may be preventing you from taking the next steps to living in your true authentic self or fully living out your destiny.

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Life is The Stories We Tell
Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba

Life is The Stories We Tell

I am not enough, I am not supported, I don’t know how to do it. I don’t have enough time, I don’t have enough money. I am not good enough, nobody will love me the way I am, I don’t belong, I am not wanted, everybody else seem to have it all and have it all figured it out, and so forth……….until infinity.

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Love - Sweet Heart Medicine
Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba

Love - Sweet Heart Medicine

Love is the sweetest medicine of of all the medicines. There are many medicines energetically and vibrationally. There are sweet medicines, bitter medicines, sour medicines, savoury medicines, pungent medicines and all other flavours of medicines depending on their usage and dosage.

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The Full Moon of Forgiveness
Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba

The Full Moon of Forgiveness

It was a full moon on the 24th of February 2024. This full moon was in the sign of Virgo as known to some. You can read more about that here This full moon is a very powerful and beautiful energy for all of existence. It is a full moon where our collective consciousness is heightened to focus on forgiving ourselves if we are sensitive to picking up this vibrations and letting go of past HURT and especially emotional pain.

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Wealth - Is more Than Money
Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba

Wealth - Is more Than Money

What does wealth mean for you? Hello hello hello!!! Sending you much love from Beautiful Florida with the lovely blue Caribbean Sea and all the beautiful swaying palm trees on the boulevards. Sending you love, joy, happiness and an abundance of grace. Wishing you a beautiful, productive, wealth and healthy week ahead.

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Happy Chinese Lunar New Year 2024
Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba

Happy Chinese Lunar New Year 2024

It is the year of the Dragon! Wow! What a powerful symbolism that is for all of humanity. Happy Chinese New Year to you where ever you are in the world.

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Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba


Freedom is a word so often used without depth of meaning. Hello! Hello!! Hello!!! How are you? How is life? I hope February has started well for you. It has been an interesting time over here, I am back in Mexico by the pacific coast and it is absolutely powerful and beautiful here.

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Trust and Surrender The Alchemy
Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba

Trust and Surrender The Alchemy

Trust and surrender the alchemy is the alchemy of the soul. Of the healthy feminine aspect of each and everyone of us known as the Divine feminine. Everybody has a Feminine aspect, in men it is the part that is their soul, that innately knows gentleness, tenderness, nurturing, softness, belonging and openness without tension or restriction. For women the Divine feminine is the healthy dominant aspect of womanhood that knows what to do, when to do it, and how to do it without thinking, but knowing and doing in a synchronistic way that is simply sublime.

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Unconditional Self Love
Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba

Unconditional Self Love

Promise me if there is only one thing you do and live in 2024, let it be unconditional self love. We all desire on a soul level to be seen, to be heard, to be loved and to be respected for who we truly are and what we do.

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Tale of Aje Part 4
Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba

Tale of Aje Part 4

Now these women are coming back, rewriting the story, the ones that were burnt alive, the ones that were buried alive, the ones that were gagged alive, the ones that were drowned alive, the ones stoned to death, beaten to death, dragged to death, shamed to death, abused to death. These women the so called witches - aje are now coming back to rewrite the story.

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Tale of Aje Part 3
Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba

Tale of Aje Part 3

So with this some of the women abused their power, so the men thought what can we do about this, the women are in control of so many things, how can we share this power with them, so we don’t become use-less. In this process, the misconstrued mindset of men and some not so powerful women decided to call the very powerful women witches - Aje.

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The Tale of Aje Part 2
Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba

The Tale of Aje Part 2

You see the word “Aje” in Yoruba language has several meaning, one interpretation is a witch as in the negative meaning of a witch. For this tale of Aje we will discuss 3 meanings of Aje according to the Yoruba language that relates to the Iyaami/Iyaami Osoronga.

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The Tale of Aje
Queen Oluwatobiloba Queen Oluwatobiloba

The Tale of Aje

In our rebellion we called ourselves “aje” - in English a witch. Am a witch! We are witches! It is what they labeled us. So to prove to them that name WITCH doesn’t affect us, we take on the name. We rebelliously take in on, but what we take on is almost a curse, a strong negative energy created by the ones that couldn’t stand us, and feared the power of the sacred mystical mysterious women

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You Are Enough - Unconditional Self Love

You Are Enough - Unconditional Self Love

Unconditional Self Love - A way to Heal People Pleasing Syndrome which Leads to Self Sabotage. The unconditional self love program will guide, support, heal and help you to prevent and avoid self sabotage and it will teach you to love yourself when you self sabotage. Life is the great teacher and sometimes the lesson is to love rather than repress, suppress, deny or hide in the shadow

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