An Attitude of Gratitude: Unlocking the Power of Thankfulness
In a world that moves so fast, it's easy to overlook the blessings that surround us. But what if we paused for a moment, shifted our mindset, and truly acknowledged everything we have to be thankful for? Gratitude has the power to transform our lives, elevate our spirits, and open the doors to even more abundance. Let’s take a journey together to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and invite more joy, love, and blessings into our world.

Ancestral Wisdom: A Sacred Guide for Life
Ancestral wisdom is the knowledge, teachings, and guidance passed down through generations. It is a profound and sacred treasure that connects us to our roots, our culture, and the collective experiences of those who came before us. Ancestral wisdom often holds the keys to living in harmony with nature, understanding our purpose, and navigating the challenges of life with grace and resilience. Here’s how we can access and honor this invaluable wisdom:

Receive Help, Guidance and Support
Feeling stuck or uncertain, or simply in need of a little guidance? You’re not alone. Whether you’re seeking advice, support, or clarity as you navigate life’s challenges, help is closer than you think. Together, we can make your journey easier and more meaningful. Receive the wisdom, guidance, and support from the ancestral realms and let’s walk this transformative path together.

What patterns show up for you when you feel frustrated?
Here Are Some Simple Ways To Connect With Yourself Today

The Story of Spider Woman
“She spun a delicate web, each thread a manifestation of her power and grace. With every intricate weave, she nourishes, grows, and sustains, breathing life into what she desires. Her web is a sanctuary, a sacred

Trust In Who You Are
As I write this, I feel a profound stillness within me—a deep well of water that rests at the bottom of my soul, reflecting the depths of our collective humanity. It is calm, but the stillness is powerful, mirroring the echoes of our shared pain, fear, and longings. Our

The One Day Story……..
One day I will be good enough and I will do that thing I always wanted to do. One day I will finally have the courage to go after that job have always wanted to go for. One day

Divine Timing - It Is Divine To Fulfill and Live Out Your Highest Potential
Yes, I said it.
In this lifetime, the only lifetime we truly know, the one we are currently living—it is Divine to fulfil and live out our highest potential. To actualise the best version

Praise Yourself, Encourage Yourself, Self Compassion and Unconditional Self Love
As we step into this new year, my prayer for you is that 2025 becomes the year you set yourself free — free to be happy, joyful, healthy, blessed, rich, wealthy, prosperous, and everything that lights your soul on fire. I pray that every day this year, when you wake up, you praise yourself, encourage yourself, be compassionate with yourself, and love yourself unconditionally.

Unconditional Self Love
Unconditional Self-Love is opening, healing, and connecting with your heart, allowing you to always be your own best support system. It means loving yourself deeply, without conditions, and living from a place of love for yourself no matter what challenges or circumstances arise in your life.

Courageously Living From The Heart - Heart Frequency
Returning Home to the Heart: A Journey of Alchemizing Pain into Divine Love
It has taken many years of peeling back the layers, removing the barriers, and healing the wounds—years of revisiting the past, letting go of karmic patterns, and opening the storage of unprocessed emotions, feelings, pain, and hurt. Today, I can say with deep gratitude, it feels so good to finally be home. Home in the heart—where we all belong.
The heart knows

The Wisdom of The Emotional Body
Greetings and blessings to you where you are in the world. It is a pleasure and joy to be sharing this piece of writing and deep wisdom with you. As an Iyanifa, Yeye Osun, and Olorisa—High Priestess of Ifa and Osun, and Orisa Priestess —I am called to share wisdom and healing with the community I serve. My role is to channel messages of guidance that support your well-being, offering insights that, if embraced, can empower you to live a life of holistic health and true harmony.

New Moon of Belonging
As the New Moon arrives here in the States on December 1st, 2024, it brings with it a powerful theme: Belonging. Have you ever consciously asked yourself, "Where do I truly belong?"
This question is more than just an inquiry; it opens up an entire realm of discovery about your place in this world—your soul's purpose, your mission,

Ancestral Healing - What Is It?
Ancestral healing is a powerful and transformative process that works to heal deep-seated patterns and imprints passed down through generations—right down to your DNA. It’s a holistic approach that addresses not only the mental and emotional aspects of inherited trauma but also the very foundation of your being. These ancestral patterns can manifest in your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and interactions with the world around you. Essentially, they are woven into the very fabric of your identity, influencing how you think, feel, act, and even how you navigate life.

Mythology, Mysticism & Magic. A 7 Part Journey. Part 1: The Story of Hanuman
The story of Hanuman. Have you ever had about Hanuman? Do you know any stories of Hanuman? Hanuman is usually depicted in the traditional Hindu story as a half monkey half human Hindu god with super or special powers. One of the qualities of Hanuman is that he uses his special powers in service to others

A Place Called Divine
There is a place called Divine. It is a peaceful, calm, blissful, loving, caring, open space where your heart is at rest, your mind is clean and clear, all of your being is in Devotion to the most High. Nothing takes away your focus from the most high, absolutely nothing. In this place there is always peace, there is always hope, there is always joy. In this place everything is as it should be. In here fear does not exist, in here death does not exist, in here we live eternally. Not afraid to die, not living from fear, living from the essence of who we truly are. The Divine loves you, pure Divine unconditional love is what activates this state in our being. Pure Divine Unconditional Love for Your maker, for your creator. Pure Divine Unconditional Love for God.

Going From Scared to Sacred - Understanding the source of Fear and Anxiety
Anxiety, fear, stress, worry are all part of the same family of energy. These energies are different forms of disturbances, disEASEs (not at ease) that steals away peace of mind, joy, happiness, truth, calmness and focus. It covers up the truth of who you are, it covers up the universal program of unconditional love

Take Off The Armour - The Courage To Live Vulnerably
The armour we consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously wear to protect ourselves, can often isolate us from the love, healing and connections we need and deserve.

In All Things, Give Thanks
To the one who is broken hearted, give thanks you have a heart that functions. To the one who’s lost a home, give thanks you had a home to lose. To the one is down trodden give thanks for one day you may make a change. In all things, give thanks. In all situations, give thanks. Why is it important to give thanks everyday?

The Healing And Miraculous Power of Prayers Pt 3
This is the concluding piece of the 3 part “The Healing and Miraculous Power of Prayers” series. Wherever you are in the world, whatever your current situation is, sending you pure Divine unconditional love today and always. In the last 2 writings, I wrote about prayers, the power of praying, simple prayer structures for those new to praying, and also for those that desire to develop a prayer life in a structured way.