
For all the prayers Lord God can be replaced with Universe, Divine, Great Spirit, Existence,  Allah, any name that connects you to this source in your own way.

Prayer for God’s Love

Lord God reveal your heart to me

so that I may know you in my own way.

Dear Divine,

Grant me the willingness  and Grace to know you for self.

Prayer to Know God

For giving me life I say thank you

For the opportunity to be human I am grateful


Prayer of Gratitude

When I breath in I see you,

When I breath out I am with you

This is my prayer of love to you Oh Lord,

An offering of gratitude for all you do for me and my loved ones.

Breathe of Life

Prayer for Guidance

Guide me oh Lord so that I may know you for self

Guide me oh Lord in my times of need to come to you

Guide me oh Lord so that when I rise in the morning I remember you are Lord God almighty

Guide me oh Lord to do your work, to show your love to self, and to others

You are my guide, the shepherd that never leads me astray.

Prayer for Focus

Dear Great spirit,

You are the focus

With focus on you, there will be no distraction.

Thank you for focus.


Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada.

Find a quiet place, where you will not be disturbed.

Clear the space and keep the space clean

Light a candle

Settle down to a comfortable seated position

Gaze at the candle

As you breathe In Imagine Whatever it is that may be causing you stress As you breath out imagine the flame of the candles burning the stress away into ashes Carry on like this until you feel all the stress has been burnt with the flame.

Take two slow and gentle breaths to rebalance your being

In your own way thank the element of fire for helping you burn stress away. Calmly blow the candle off

Throw what is left from the candle away carefully and mindfully.

Fire Ritual For Burning Stress Away

Water Ritual for Releasing Pain

Find a running source of water

Put your hands underneath the running water

Begin to wash your hands with the water repeating the following word

“As this water washes my hands, it washes away all the pain I carry”

Repeat the saying as many times as you need it until you feel the pain

Completely washed away by the water.

In your own way thank the element of water for helping you release pain.

Barefoot, take your shoes off

Find a ground that is not tarmac, that is Earthy

Walk slowly on the Earth

As you do so, repeat the following words to self

“I am grounding and releasing stress into mother earth”

Repeat the saying as many times as you need whilst walking slowly and grounding.

Finish by showing gratitude to Mother Earth in your own way for helping you to Ground and release stress.

Earth Ritual for Grounding In Times of Stress

* You need a clean white outfit, a clean space, and a feather for this ritual

Make sure you are hygienically clean

Put on the white outfit

Find a comfortable place to seat

Place the feather in front of you

Seat in a comfortable position

Close your eyes

In your own way ask the universe to bless you with the gift of peace. Stay here for as long as you need.

When you have finished, thank the universe for the gift of peace

Finish the ritual by taking off the white outfit and washing it. Take the feather and replace back to nature.

Air Ritual for Peace

Make sure the space you are in is clean and clear Open your hands to the side with palms facing up

Take 2 slow and gentle breaths in and out from the nostrils

As you breathe in for the 3rd time, say to yourself “I am love”

And slowly bring your hands up to your chest

As you breathe out say to yourself “I release everything

not vibrating on the frequency of love” and slowly take your

Hands back down from the side with palms facing down

Repeat the above as many times as you need

Finish the ritual by showing gratitude to the element of airin your own way for helping you cultivate self love.

Ritual for Self Love

Find a small stone and a stick And a quiet place to focus.

Place the stone and the stick in a circle

With the stone placed on the North point of the circle And the stick placed on the South side of the circle

Look at the stick, tell it all your doubts, fears and worries

Now focus on the stone imagine the stone becomes a mighty and powerful being that empowers you with words of wisdom, positivity, encouragement, and tells you are stronger than you are and all the words you need To feel empowered.

Once you feel you have been adequately empowered Finish the ritual by thanking the stone and stick for listening to all your concerns and for empowerment.

* The same stone and stick can be used many times. It is potentized every time you use it for empowerment.

Self Empowerment Ritual


Beautiful and Inspirational content from my wanderlust. May it uplift your soul and bring you peace.

Australia 2016

Guatemala 2015

England 2017

Iceland 2015

Israel 2017

Estonia 2017