It’s a true pleasure to have you here, and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to support on your journey.

Below is a collection of services thoughtfully designed to heal, guide, and empower you—helping you find clarity and confidence on your life’s path.

My Services Include Talk Therapy for mental and emotional stability.

Dream Interpretation to uncover messages from the Divine, your ancestors, and your unconscious.

Spiritual Guidance & Healing through IFA and Osun consultations.

Self-Discovery and personal growth through IFA Divination with “Who Am I?” sessions.

Compassionate Depossession & Curse Reversal through IFA.

Sacred Woman Initiation to connect with the esoteric wisdom of the Divine Feminine.

Awaken the Healer Within Mentorship: A transformative 3- to 6-month program to help you fully step into your calling as a healer.

Ancestral Healing to strengthen your connection with your ancestral lineage.

I am here to help you on your journey toward deeper healing, insight, and empowerment. Let’s walk this path together. Ire o! Many Blessings

We all need someone to talk to about our worries and our deepest fears. Someone who can guide and support us without judgement, helping us move forward on our life’s journey. Click “ENQUIRE” to contact about booking sessions, or schedule a first time 30 minutes introductory call to start the conversation.

Talk Therapy

Are you seeking support in healing your mind and emotions? I offer compassionate and transformative talk therapy to support you to navigate your mental and emotional health.

offering tools to process trauma, release trauma, manage stress, and cultivate mental and emotional stability. together, we will work toward creating a safe space for growth, healing and self transformation.

Embracing Ancestral Wisdom for Growth

Reconnect, Heal, Reclaim. Ancestral Healing offers healing for energetic blockages, imprints, wounds, traumas, deep-rooted issues that keeps recurring in your life, which may prevent you from living a healthy happy life. These types of diseases are typically inherited from our ancestors. Toxic ancestral patterns and unresolved ancestral trauma can shape our lives in profound ways.

I guide you in identifying and healing these inherited wounds, reconnecting you to the wisdom and gifts of your ancestors. By reclaiming your ancestral power, you can transform limiting patterns, limiting beliefs and step into a life of empowerment, health, harmony and balance.

Awaken The Healer Within

It is a calling, it is a Divine purpose. There is no longer room for hiding your gifts, or not fully embodying who you are. No more delaying stepping fully into your life’s mission. To be a healer is first to heal yourself, and to be of healing service for the highest purpose of all of existence. Being a healer is a Divine gift that requires training, identification, discovery and a lifelong commitment of walking, practicing and learning on the path.

Are you ready to develop your gift? Are you ready to hone your skills and fully step into your calling? Are you ready to stop hiding your Divine mission?

Osun Consultation

Ore Yeye O! Omi o, Eri o, Agba o, Ota o! Ore Yeye Iyami Osun Olomo yoyo! Blessings of the mother! Let Mother Osun guide you, an orisa of healing, grace, wealth, love, happiness, abundance, beauty, sensuality, conception and fertility. She is sweet waters, the flowing river, known for healing, blessing people with success, fertility, conception, children, love, grace, happiness and divine femininity.

Divine Mother, Mother of Compassion, Mother of Grace. She’s full and overflowing with love and happiness. She’s sweet as honey, the shining one, an ancient wisdom keeper and a powerful healer. This is a spiritual mystical process that brings clarity, healing and empowerment from the divine realm of the orisas and ancestors. To heal, guide, empower, bless and connect you to your true self and soul purpose.

I am Osun, I become a mirror so you can see yourself, so you can heal yourself, so you can take empowering actions to transform and heal your life. I am Osun, I am here to guide you on your journey. Come with trust and openness to receive all the blessings you deserve. Ase! Ase!! Ase!!!

Sacred Woman Initiation

You know it is time to connect to the forces of nature that guides, empowers and lives within you. The forces of nature that animates you, enlivens you and opens you to possibilities beyond your comprehension. The forces of nature that helps you to connect between the physical and the invisible realms. You know it is time to fully embody the sacred woman you are through initiation.

Time to consciously commit to activate your sacred gifts and power. Embody the wisdom of your guiding forces, and call upon their magic and illumination in times when it is essential and needed. It is time to be the sacred woman that you have come here to be. Fully embody your power and live out your soul’s purpose.

Ifa Consultation

Iba Orunmila Eleri ipin, ibikeji Olodumare. Ifa mo ki o, Erigialo mo ki o. Orunmila is one of the primordial orisa from Yorubaland in modern day Nigeria. Orunmila brought Ifa to the people to help them live a healthy, meaningful, purposeful, harmonious, wealthy, connected and authentic life with clarity, following the mystical spiritual ways of nature to connect to the Divine Realm.. Ifa is said to be the esoteric voice of the Divine.

Ifa consultation provides healing, solutions, guidance, clarity and blessings from the Divine Realm to address life's challenges, problems and sometimes reveal things that are yet to happen. Ifa has answers to any life problem. Ifa is the problem solver. Ifa is divination, Ifa knows and can reveal the past, present and future. A divinity that sees all clearly and knows all wisely. Come to Ifa with an open heart and trust, you will receive the blessings, healing, guidance and clarity that are rightfully yours.

What is my purpose? Who am I? Why am I here? What is my path? Orunmila will answer these questions in a way that is meaningful for you. This ancient way of knowing provides answers, insight and revelations, which will guide you on your path to reconnect to your true self and highest potentials. To begin living your purpose authentically and confidently.

Ifa divination is a mystical divine manifestation of spirit. It heals and empowers you to know who you truly are and your purpose. It is a sacred opportunity that brings you communication from the divine realm. Come and reclaim your power, your true voice, and your purpose. It is a journey of reclamation.

With years of experience in dream interpretation, I've dedicated myself to helping people uncover the hidden meanings in their dreams. I love connecting with individuals and hearing their unique dream stories. It's truly amazing how much we can learn about ourselves through our dreams—and how our ancestors may be communicating with us. Whether you're experiencing a recurring dream or just had a one-time odd encounter, I'm here to help you make sense of it. Let's explore the fascinating world of dreams together!

Ifa Divination

Your session

Working with me is combination of seriousness and fun. Everything we do together will be unique, it will only be created in the moment aided and guided from the realm of the ancestors, orisas and spirits. Working with me is a personal unique opportunity to deeply discover your truest highest potential and to dive deep into the core of who you are.

Usually we will meet for consultations before we begin any work to create an understanding of our work together, the work we do is personal as such it will be unique to each individual.

Frequently asked questions

  • My work as a white witch is using my gift to heal and help others transform their lives in a way that is powerful and potent. Being a witch had been demonised in the past with a negative connotation. Some witches use their powers to heal and help others as I do, and some witches do otherwise.

  • As an initiated High Priestess and Iyaolorisa in the Ifa and Isese ancestral wisdom traditions from Yoruba land Nigeria, I carry forward the ways of my ancestors and am blessed with the Ase to perform healing, problem-solving, guide, and empower those that need my offerings.

  • As a gifted and trained healer in different traditions, healing is beyond the physical it transcend to the invisible realms.

    As an initiate medicine woman, working with spirits, nature and the invisible realms healing and guidance are channeled through me for a healthier harmonious balanced life.

  • Working with me is mystical, spiritual, yet practical, modern, and traditional. There is no quick fix here, patience, persistence, and perseverance will be needed for those willing to do the love AKA doing the work, If you have doubts about this type of work, then this work is not for you. Come with openness and you will be blessed with the healing and solutions you seek and need.

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You are ready

Life is a precious gift, you deserve to know love, be happy, be free and live the life you choose. Take the courageous action now. You are ready to transform your life to the life you know you deserve, a healthier life of ease and grace. Click the button below to begin the journey.

where to go next?





