Freedom is a word so often used without depth of meaning. Hello! Hello!! Hello!!! How are you? How is life? I hope February has started well for you. It has been an interesting time over here, I am back in Mexico by the pacific coast and it is absolutely powerful and beautiful here. The sea can be very wild and the land still very organic, and much of it is untamed. There is something about this part of the world that makes you feel like you are back in time and slows you down in a gentle way.
I love coming here and exploring these types of places, it simply reminds me of many things to be grateful for on a constant basis, and that life can be simple, slow and gentle. Depending on what you need in your life, freedom can mean so many different things to so many different people, and also can have different meaning depending on the context and situation used.
So what does freedom mean for you? What does it look like? What does it taste like? What does it sound like? What does it smell like? The more you can conceptualise it, put it into details, and write it down, the more you can manifest it, create and make it a physical reality. For each of us, freedom will carry different energies, and different meaning. So I encourage you to tap into what freedom means for you? Does it means having a home wherever you are based with no debt, a nice job and a nice community of people where you can truly flourish and be of contribution? Does it mean being able to choose where you live, how you live and what you do?
I really encourage you to paint your own picture of freedom. Really feel it, taste it, see it, enjoy it, smell it, and be it. In a time where we are moving into a different dimension in the collective consciousness, where our unique soul expression and essence is important for the collective ascension into higher dimensions and vibrations of living, the more we know what gives our life meaning, and to manifest and create those meanings into a physical reality, the more we contribute to the collective consciousness of fulfilment, happiness, joy, healing and health.
You deserve every of your dreams, and making those dreams into physical reality is your Divine right. If you have been feeling stuck lately, if you have been feeling like your life lacks meaning or depth, then I invite you to look deeper to see if you are living the life that gives you the freedom that you need, or if you are living a life that you have been conditioned and programmed to live.
Life is precious, life is simple, life is beautiful. Please ensure that you are living the life that you choose, the life that is yours, not a life based on anyone else’s opinion. You deserve to be happy, you deserve to be well, you deserve to be healthy, you deserve to be wealthy, you deserve to be FREE.
P.S freedom for me does not mean life is without challenges, my definition of freedom simply allows me to face life challenges more courageously as I navigate life on my own terms, and connecting with people and places that carry similar values, embody the values and live the values.
I found this two articles quite relatable and easy to digest
Unconditional Love Always
Queen Oluwatobiloba