Live In Alignment with Your Power and Purpose
30% off New Moon IFA Divination. This Month In Honour of my Birthday Month, and to consecrate my birthday on the 9th of August, I am offering 30% Discount for the new moon over the next 2 days, until midnight UK time finishing on the 4th of August, the day of the new moon. This August new moon will be focusing on Love, Vulnerability, Passion, Brightness, Authenticity, Giving yourself permission, calmness, self expression, authentic expression and being grounded. Divination is a way to connect to the Divine to receive healing, clarity, information, guidance, support to enable us make empowered decisions that are in alignment with our purpose.
Fear Is A Great Teacher Most People Are Afraid To Learn From. The Unknown/Darkness is the place of many possibilities and Mysteries
The Unknown/Darkness is the place of many possibilities and mysteries. Never be afraid of the darkness! Never be afraid of the unknown! Fear can kill before one realizes none of it was true, that none of it made sense. Fear can make things appear bigger than they are, closer than they are, more conscious than they are. Fear can create mountains where there is a flowing stream, it can create a dry land, a desert where there is peace and tranquility. Fear can even create the fear of fear itself, where the chain…..
Harvest The Hidden Blessings of The Full Moon of July 2024 In 2 Days
Other than the many various methods of astrology out there, there are many other ancestral and traditional ways for connecting with the hidden blessings and mysteries of the full moon. The full moon is a time where the night sky is at its brightest. The full moon shinning brightly in the night sky, illuminates……
4 Days No Food No Water In The Mountain
Perhaps you were wondering why you no email came into your inbox last Sunday. Perhaps you did not even notice the absence of the email. I love to share much of my work, life and ways freely with you all through this channel. It is really a joy for me to seat and write from the heart to you all.
What you create with your thoughts is what you will live out
You are not your thoughts, but your thoughts can become your reality. It is true, the wish of any thought, according to one of the teachers that enliven’s me on this journey of life, is to be manifested into physical reality. Saying that again “the wish of any thought is to be manifested into physical reality”. What does this mean? And how does it relate to creating your physical reality?
Staying Centered - The Middle Way
We have all felt the emotional pain of losing a loved one, either through physical death or the ending of a relationship. What if we are not losing? What if the great mystery of life creates endings so beginnings can begin? How can we stay centered, present, in the eye of the storm when unexpected/unusual endings are happening?
Money - Financial Abundance Is Your Divine Right
As we all know in the material world, money is the main form of energy exchange agreed upon by many. Of course in smaller places, situations or cases, other forms of exchange may be agreed upon. But widely, generally, money is the universal form of exchange. Money allows us to live, engage in the material world in a way that may benefits us. Money allows us to live a meaningful life. Money is a living currency, that can transform and change the life’s of many.
Why Self Discovery Will Transform Your Life
Self discovery is a natural process. It is a process, a journey that will enable you to know who you are, and reconnect you to your true self. It requires courage, commitment, dedication and financial investment to travel the path of self discovery.
Are You Truly Confident?
Confidence is a container that holds many different sounds, words, feelings, sensations, emotions, experiences and thoughts for many of us. In a world where performance, fakery, pretentiousness, keeping up appearances and the likes, seems to be the go to for most, true confidence needs no words.
Life is what you believe it to be
If you believe life is an adventure, life will be an adventure for you. If you believe life is difficult, life will be difficult for you. If you believe life is full of suffering, life will be full of suffering for you. If you believe life is beautiful, life will be full of beauty for you. If you believe life is loving, life will be full of love for you. Life can be beautiful, adventurous, full of love, health, wealth..……… life can be whatever values/containers are most important for you.
Waited For The New Moon To Write This Post
Sunday is usually the day I dedicate to sending out this free newsletter to all. Why Sunday? You may ask, it is the day where I can truly give energy, love and knowing to sharing the things I love that are meaningful, healing and knowledgeable to others.
Self Care - Very Important
There is always a lesson to be learned in life, both for your personal growth and to help others awaken. One crucial lesson, unique to each individual, is the importance of self-care. This type of self-care goes beyond the surface level and encompasses various aspects.
Emotional Hangover. What Is It?
Most people may not even be aware of this context, emotional hangover. What is it and how can it affect you? Emotional hangover is a state of feeling really tired, low in energy and generally feeling off in a terrible sort of way.
Get Yourself Together
So you’ve woken up again today, with the same mindset, the mindset of gloom and doom. How you are not doing enough, good enough, too busy to self care, too busy to look after your physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, energetic and psychological health. You catch yourself complaining again about how life is not working well for you.
Ancestral/Family Inheritance
What have you inherited from your family? What legacy and inheritance are you going to carry forward and leave behind? Some of the things you inherited from your family lineage have helped you to survive and they can also help you thrive. Yet some of the things may be preventing you from taking the next steps to living in your true authentic self or fully living out your destiny.
Life is The Stories We Tell
I am not enough, I am not supported, I don’t know how to do it. I don’t have enough time, I don’t have enough money. I am not good enough, nobody will love me the way I am, I don’t belong, I am not wanted, everybody else seem to have it all and have it all figured it out, and so forth……….until infinity.