Unconditional Self Love
Unconditional Self-Love is opening, healing, and connecting with your heart, allowing you to always be your own best support system. It means loving yourself deeply, without conditions, and living from a place of love for yourself no matter what challenges or circumstances arise in your life.
Courageously Living From The Heart - Heart Frequency
Returning Home to the Heart: A Journey of Alchemizing Pain into Divine Love
It has taken many years of peeling back the layers, removing the barriers, and healing the wounds—years of revisiting the past, letting go of karmic patterns, and opening the storage of unprocessed emotions, feelings, pain, and hurt. Today, I can say with deep gratitude, it feels so good to finally be home. Home in the heart—where we all belong.
The heart knows
Mythology, Mysticism & Magic. A 7 Part Journey. Part 1: The Story of Hanuman
The story of Hanuman. Have you ever had about Hanuman? Do you know any stories of Hanuman? Hanuman is usually depicted in the traditional Hindu story as a half monkey half human Hindu god with super or special powers. One of the qualities of Hanuman is that he uses his special powers in service to others
Going From Scared to Sacred - Understanding the source of Fear and Anxiety
Anxiety, fear, stress, worry are all part of the same family of energy. These energies are different forms of disturbances, disEASEs (not at ease) that steals away peace of mind, joy, happiness, truth, calmness and focus. It covers up the truth of who you are, it covers up the universal program of unconditional love
In All Things, Give Thanks
To the one who is broken hearted, give thanks you have a heart that functions. To the one who’s lost a home, give thanks you had a home to lose. To the one is down trodden give thanks for one day you may make a change. In all things, give thanks. In all situations, give thanks. Why is it important to give thanks everyday?
The Healing And Miraculous Power of Prayers
Do you pray? By praying I don’t mean it has to be religious or spiritual. I mean praying to the highest power, the one you believe guides you, the one you speak to when things don’t go according to plan. I mean the one you secretly ask for help, when you have exhausted all of your might and power.
Harvest The Visible Blessings of The Full Moon of August 2024 Today And Tomorrow
The moon will be at its peak tomorrow 19 August 2024. It is a special full moon where we can see from the shinning light of the full moon, all our blessings that are ripe, ready to be activated, actualised, experienced and lived. This full moon is very
Attachment Is A DisEase Of The Heart
The elders say, attachment is the disEASE of the heart. You see in the holy odu of Okanran in the Ifa Corpus, the sacred ways of Olodumare of the Yoruba people from Yorubaland in Modern day Nigeria, Okanran is about what our heart is desiring. What the heart is desiring can sometimes be beneficial for the body, for the being. But often times, the heart desires from a set of conditions, from a set of programming. Sometimes from fear and child hood wounds and trauma.
FREE 15 Minutes Session Just For You. This Friday And Saturday Only
On Friday 16 and Saturday 17 August 2024, There are 11 FREE sessions available on a first come, first serve basis. Each session is 15 minutes, only available through video call on WhatsApp, or Zoom. You can book directly by replying to this email, or through the WhatsApp Number +447809826766.
These FREE sessions are designed for those that work heavily during the week, that would like an opportunity to work with me, ask me any question with regards to guidance for any area of life, for clarity, or any other area that may interest you. All sessions are private and confidential.
Great Mother Osun
When you are wealth, you will not be searching for wealth
When you are beauty, you will not be searching for beauty
When you are Joy, you will not be searching for joy
When you are grace, you will not be searching for grace
Amawamaro - Secret Knowledge Keeper
Yeye Osun - Mother Osun
Fear Is A Great Teacher Most People Are Afraid To Learn From. The Unknown/Darkness is the place of many possibilities and Mysteries
The Unknown/Darkness is the place of many possibilities and mysteries. Never be afraid of the darkness! Never be afraid of the unknown! Fear can kill before one realizes none of it was true, that none of it made sense. Fear can make things appear bigger than they are, closer than they are, more conscious than they are. Fear can create mountains where there is a flowing stream, it can create a dry land, a desert where there is peace and tranquility. Fear can even create the fear of fear itself, where the chain…..
4 Days No Food No Water In The Mountain
Perhaps you were wondering why you no email came into your inbox last Sunday. Perhaps you did not even notice the absence of the email. I love to share much of my work, life and ways freely with you all through this channel. It is really a joy for me to seat and write from the heart to you all.
Staying Centered - The Middle Way
We have all felt the emotional pain of losing a loved one, either through physical death or the ending of a relationship. What if we are not losing? What if the great mystery of life creates endings so beginnings can begin? How can we stay centered, present, in the eye of the storm when unexpected/unusual endings are happening?
Money - Financial Abundance Is Your Divine Right
As we all know in the material world, money is the main form of energy exchange agreed upon by many. Of course in smaller places, situations or cases, other forms of exchange may be agreed upon. But widely, generally, money is the universal form of exchange. Money allows us to live, engage in the material world in a way that may benefits us. Money allows us to live a meaningful life. Money is a living currency, that can transform and change the life’s of many.
Life is what you believe it to be
If you believe life is an adventure, life will be an adventure for you. If you believe life is difficult, life will be difficult for you. If you believe life is full of suffering, life will be full of suffering for you. If you believe life is beautiful, life will be full of beauty for you. If you believe life is loving, life will be full of love for you. Life can be beautiful, adventurous, full of love, health, wealth..……… life can be whatever values/containers are most important for you.
Get Yourself Together
So you’ve woken up again today, with the same mindset, the mindset of gloom and doom. How you are not doing enough, good enough, too busy to self care, too busy to look after your physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, energetic and psychological health. You catch yourself complaining again about how life is not working well for you.