welcome to the —

Group Unconditional Self Love Program

Discover how to live in alignment with your highest purpose, your calling, your fullest potentials from a place of power, health, wellness, clarity, support, practicality and accountability

For many of us, we are at a point in society where we can no longer rely on some of the old traditional power systems to keep driving us forward collectively. We are being called at an individual level to self develop, rise up, step up and take responsibilities for the awakening, healing and transformation of our Individual Wellbeing, Communities, Countries and Earth

We are being called to living authentically to who we are, what we stand for, what our mission is. To know that our voice truly matters and to know why we are here truly matters. We are being called to fully live out our destiny and fullest potentials for the highest purpose of all. As we navigate living our truest and fullest potential, discovering our unfolding destinies, we are called to step up as individuals in our abilities to be of service, for the highest purpose of all, from a place of health and wellness. To fully live out our truest and fullest potential, to help change the health and wellbeing of the society we live in.

6 online zoom sessions spread over 3 months. 2 hour for each session and offline practicum, will bring us together on the journey of connecting with our highest self, living from our highest self and contributing our unique gifts to the world.

We will work with ancestral healing, conscious manifestation, smart criteria, wellness practices, breath work, the sensitive system AKA nervous system, Power statements and many more tools, for consciously living from a place of power and purpose with clarity, health, wellness, wealth, support, practicality and accountability. Starting 1st of February 2025 and every other Saturday until Saturday 12th April 2025.

Continue reading below for more details.

You can enrol here by choosing a preferred payment option. PRICE £1111



Kathleen Prendiville, Account Executive at Google Canada

I was fortunate enough to have Oluwatobiloba guide me through an Osun session by the ocean in Ayampe, Ecuador and the experience was nothing short of magical and empowering. We were able to come together and she encouraged me to look internally to understand and identify what it was I was challenged with at the time. She encouraged me to write a letter, articulating exactly what it was I was looking to let go. 

Her ability to uncover what it was I was battling with and have me commit to becoming vulnerable in that session allowed me to truly let go of the challenges and barriers I had been struggling with for years. We came to a moment of such mindfulness and presence that I often reflect on that awareness I was able to achieve in our session and it continues to ground me as I evolve to this day.

Oluwatobiloba’s healing abilities are undeniable and her compassion and empathy to work with you on specific areas that you’re suffering with on such an individual level is what allowed me to heal and recover so drastically from our 2 hour Osun session. 

I have nothing but gratitude and love for the light and guidance Tobi shared with me during our session and would HIGHLY recommend her to anyone looking to take the step of self reflection on their own journey of pursuing growth. 


Nigel, Energy Healer, London UK

Such a gift to be working with you. I will share your link with my friends. Thank you so much for the work we have done so far, there has been quite a big shift already in the energy I have towards Abundance and Wealth creation. I’m excited for the future sessions. I will be telling everyone about your course, and your website. Blessing and love to you. I thank you with a brimming heart.

About Queen Oluwatobiloba1

It took 9 years to develop this brand and business, through a journey of self discovery, self transformation, self development, exploration, discovery, training, research, learning, studying, initiations, teachings, guiding, healing and conscious commitment to keep being of service for the highest purpose of all

My name is Oluwatobiloba. Passionate about self development, healing, wellness, spirituality, holistic health, traveling, motivating, empowering, inspiring, and supporting others to live well, believe in themselves and consciously transform their life.

Previously was a computer security professional before a life a redirection took me to the health, wellness and spirituality oath which collectively I refer to as holistic health. My work is in Human behaviour, trauma healing, spiritual growth, self discovery, self development and self actualization. to now being an

What Is The Group Unconditional Self Love Program?

01 Feb 2025

What is your calling? Your purpose? Your work? As a leader, a high achiever, a change maker, a healer, a visionary, a new business owner, someone on a personal development journey, the Unconditional Self love program will help you deeply connect and understand your unfolding purpose/potentials/destiny in a way that is meaningful, actionable, healthy, well and achievable for you. Together we will be going live online on the 1st February 2025 for a maximum of 21 people, for 2 hours every 2nd Saturday in February, March and April, until 12th of April 2025.

Together as a group we will journey online and offline to discover our unfolding destinies, and how to fully live out our destinies/our fullest potentials as an empowered, healthy and well individual. For some of us, we will be at the start of this journey, for some others we will already be living and embodying our destiny, and for some others we will be coming to the end of a cycle in one of our destinies and seeking to discover what is next for us. Together each one of us will support the group to move towards our destiny collectively and individually from an empowered, healthy, well and accountable place.

There will also be the possibility of a one on one online and offline transformational, healing and growth journey of self exploration and self discovery. I.e. what parts of you want to come online to support you at this current stages of your life and unfolding destiny. What parts of you are no longer needed so as not to carry any unnecessary excess baggage forward. You will discover hidden treasures from your family inheritance/ancestral lineage, tools, programs and conditioning that will support and elevate you to truly live well, and in your highest vibrations/peak state.

During the program you will be connecting to the part of you that is true unconditional self love AKA as true self, highest self, authentic self, divine self etc. The part of you that is wise, all knowing, all seeing, all remembering, connected, that always knows who you are, why you are here now, what to do, how to do it and when to do it. This program is officially opened for registration. Book below.

The Unconditional self love program is a journey of truly connecting with your highest potentials, your destiny, your purpose and a true spiritual awakening from a healthy, empowered, realistic and wellness place.. It will reawaken and reconnect you to the parts of you that are unique, authentic, free, loving, resourceful, successful, powerful, energetic, peaceful and the one that truly knows.

It will quieten the parts of you that have been programmed, conditioned to not fully live out your destiny and fullest potentials. You will learn to self empower, self praise, self approve without needing external validation, knowing deep down within you are connected to all the resources that will empower and enliven you, to help you empower and enliven others. You will deepen your sense of self, your current mission and the next steps to take to keep moving along your unfolding destiny.


Starting 1st February 2pm to 4pm EST. Ending officially at 4pm on the 12th of April 2025. Please convert to your local time zone.

Dates & Times

Saturday 1 February 2025. 2pm to 4pm EST. Convert to local timezone.

Saturday 15 February 2025. 2pm to 4pm EST. Convert to local timezone.

Saturday 1 March 2025. 2pm to 4pm EST. Convert to local timezone.

Saturday 15 March 2025. 2pm to 4pm EST. Convert to local timezone.

Saturday 29 March 2025. 2pm to 4pm EST. Convert to local timezone.

Saturday 12 April 2025. 2pm to 4pm EST. Convert to local timezone.


Online Zoom. Please ensure you have zoom downloaded and up to date.

We will also have private Facebook and WhatsApp group to keep communication flowing, for accountability, for group support and to share any important updates. You will also be working offline taking practical steps when we are not online together.

What You Will Receive

2 hours of 6 group live online zoom sessions, that will guide us as a group to gain clarity, support and help you connect with your highest purpose and potentials, so you can take massive transformational life changing actions towards your currently unfolding potentials/destinies.

  1. Practical guidance so you can be working offline transforming and reconnecting to the parts of you that are ready to take you on your journey. Working with SMART criteria and action plans.

  2. Measurable, Actionable and Impactful self care practices for health, wellness and peak performance.

  3. Deep connection to the sensitive system AKA nervous system to practice listening to your intuition and your body’s wisdom.

  4. Ancestral healing to identify any believe system, patterns, blocks, insecurities or past failures that may be preventing you from making the changes you want in your life.

  5. Deep relaxation and peaceful state practices

  6. Breath work to reset your body, bring you to a calm mindful state.

  7. Reprogramming for unconditional self love to achieve and succeed from a place of health and wellness.

  8. Gain clarity on what are your values and moral compass, what success means for you at this stage of your unfolding potentials/destiny, and reprogram for true success.

  9. Your own unique map and blueprint that will guide you to live in optimal state as a leader, a change maker and a visionary.

  10. Conscious manifestation

  11. If you are quickly triggered or angered, quick to reaction, you will receive support and tools to help you start the journey of responding to live rather than reacting to life. And if you are already on the journey it will help you develop that part of you more through advance practices.

  12. Tools for living out your unfolding destiny and values, and for self compassion and self reassurance in moments when you make mistakes which we all do at some point.

  13. Tools to support you for growth when you are learning something new and challenging, and going on an unknown journey of discovery.

  14. Power statement

  15. Organisation and frequent reminders.

  16. All the tools and programs will be yours to keep which you can integrate into your daily health and wellbeing program. Living it out as a lifestyle no matter how challenging it is, is where you embody lasting change.

Added Bonus

This added bonus is optional, if you would like to take up any or all the offers please book a free 30 minutes connection call on the website to discuss your preferences.

  1. You will be guided and supported to create a daily health and wellbeing program that will challenge you to stay in a peak state of health and wellness.

  2. Self empowerment. Together we will create a daily affirmation which you will receive as a voice note, or written format, or any format that resonates with you, that will remind you to carry on living the program on a daily basis long after the journey.

  3. A personalised Emergency plan for times of high stress to trigger you to return to health and wellness quickly.

  4. Free 30 minutes one to one private and confidential session to discuss anything personal.

Who Is This For? Is This Program For Me?

This is for you if you are…

  • You are a High Achieving / High functioning individual.

  • You are self motivated, a leader, new business owner, change maker or visionary.

  • You are a healer, coach, therapist. You are ready to transform your life to be more conscious and mindful

  • You are on a new journey of exploration and discovery, to discover what tools and support you need to keep moving towards your goal/target/mission.

  • You are on a new journey of self exploration and self discovery, to discover who you need to be to carry forward your mission and life’s purpose AKA your destiny.

  • You need self development to positively improve some areas of your life like your mood, feelings, thoughts and actions.

  • You are deepening your connection to your truest potentials and unfolding destiny.

  • You are being blocked or repeating unhealthy patterns that may be preventing you from fully living out your mission and purpose.

  • You are running out dated programmings (thoughts, feelings, sensations, experiences and actions) in you consciousness that are no longer serving you on your life’s journey.

  • You know deep within that you are here for something more, like something is calling you on a soul level.

  • You are ready to create a holistically health plan which will be the foundation of your life.

  • You are ready to create an emergency plan to support you during times of high stress and challenging times, as you live out your destiny in a healthy conscious non destructive way.

  • You are ready to cultivate, collect, practice, experience and embody the tools that will help you to live in a conscious unconditional self love way.


Week 1

  • Opening. Open the space as we introduce ourselves and our goals for joining this program.

  • Welcome. Welcome the group, introduce key concepts, give roadmap of the program

  • Introduction to topics, tools and technologies for conscious personal growth, conscious personal transformation and leadership.

  • Practicals. Concepts, experiential sessions and offline explorations including assessments.

Week 2

  • Ancestral Healing to clear blocks, insecurities, patterns, programmings and any past mistakes that may still be holding you hostage.

  • Gain clarity and dive deep into specific areas of your life that wants to grow now.

  • Identify the necessary support needed and how to source them practically and physically.

  • Finish up sourcing necessary support and offline tasks to anchor teachings together. Make it real.

Week 3

  • Deep connection to the sensitive system AKA nervous system to practice listening to your intuition and your body’s wisdom.

  • Deep relaxation and peaceful state practices.

  • Breath work to reset your body, bring you to a calm mindful state.

  • Reprogramming for unconditional self love to achieve and succeed from a place of health and wellness.

Week 4

  • Gain clarity on your values and understand your moral compass, what success means for you at this stage of your unfolding destiny, and reprogram for true success.

  • Create your own unique map and blueprint that will guide you to live in optimal state as a leader, a change maker and a visionary. Be honest with yourself do you need accountability? Buddy? Connect personally with someone in the group.

  • Conscious manifestation. List out what you now want, why you want it, how much of it you want, when you want by.

  • Deep Wisdom. If you are quickly triggered or angered, quick to reaction, you will receive support, tools to help you start the journey of slowing down and responding to life rather than reacting to life. And if you are already on the journey, it will help you develop those parts of you more through advance practices.

Week 5

  • Tools for living out your unfolding destiny, values, for self compassion and self reassurance in moments when you make mistakes which we all do at some point.

  • Tools to support you for growth when you are learning something new, challenging, going on an unknown journey of exploration and discovery.

  • Power statement. What it is and how to create one.

  • Organisation. Bring everything together in a meaningful and purposeful way. Daily Reminders.

Week 6

  • Be You. 11 Minutes Journey of self realisation and discussions.

  • How to keep working with tools after our group journey has completed on an individual level. Planning for success not for failure.

  • Questions, Comments, Feedback and Queries.

  • Closing



There are many ways to make payment, card payment, direct bank transfer to a UK account for one time payment and PayPal. Venmo and Zel will also be accepted for one time payment. For financing and payment plans, only card payment is taken as this will be a numbered subscription depending on the financing plan you choose.

  • 1 time payment of £1111

  • 2 times payment of £555.5

  • 4 times payment of £277.75

  • 11 times payment of £101


unexpected things

About me.

  • ↠ Traveled to over 50 countries

    ↠ Done bungy jumps and sky diving a few times and done the highest bunny jump in the world.

  • ↠ Received an award for the best undergraduate project in mobile and wireless computing for a project on location based services.

    ↠ Did two masters in Computer security and computer forensics one with a distinction.

  • ↠ I work with humour and don't take life too seriously. I also don’t work, I call it doing the love.

    ↠ Was highly and obsessively driven until the realization it was a cover-up for fear of failure.

  • ↠ Sometimes like showing off and own it.

    ↠ A medium and a channel.

    ↠ Love God.

    ↠ Love sharing and motivating others

    ↠ Work with Numbers and Colors

Podcast Interview

My first ever Podcast interview as a guest speaker on one of the episodes of the podcast, ‘Life Is A Story We Tell Ourselves’ where I talked about the continuing human struggle to find spirit, purpose, and meaning.

where to go next?





