Queen Oluwatobiloba1

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What you create with your thoughts is what you will live out

You are not your thoughts, but your thoughts can become your reality. It is true, the wish of any thought, according to one of the teachers that enliven’s me on this journey of life, is to be manifested into physical reality. Saying that again “the wish of any thought is to be manifested into physical reality”. What does this mean? And how does it relate to creating your physical reality?

The more energy you give a thought, the more it forms and gains more energy to become a living and real thing. Say for example you have a thought of worrying about a partner leaving you, or that you will get fired in your job. If you allow the thought to keep running without immediately stopping it, and change it for a desired thought such as “ I trust we will be together by the will of the Divine”. Or “if I lose my job it will be an opportunity to try something new that may take me on a path of growth and abundance. Thoughts you pay attention and allow to keep catching your attention, will keep gaining more momentum, and the more it comes up in your mind. The more you ruminate on it, the more the thought form is inspired to become real, sometimes psychologically through fear or joy before you then confirm it in the physical realm.

Start to create, harvest and connect with thoughts you desire in your life, so these thought forms become charged with the energy to be created and manifested into physical reality. This is a simple truth that can shift and transform the way you live and experience life. You deserve to be free of unconsciously, subconsciously and even sometimes consciously of creating, generating, collecting thought forms that do not serve the highest purpose of all, that do not serve you in any shape or form. Love you.

Some Healing Thoughts to cultivate, repeat during your days as often as you need. You can also create unique ones that resonate with where you are in life right now, or with specific situations you may be challenged with.

  1. The universe loves me exactly as I am

  2. The universe provides for all of my needs and more

  3. Abundance of love, joy, happiness, health and wellbeing is my Divine right.

  4. It always works out well and even better than I expect.

  5. I trust the process of life

  6. I am well, healthy, happy, joyful and blessed.

  7. I am peace, I am calm, I am present.

Have fun with creating your unique ones. Remember the more you repeat them, the more they become real and take form in the physical realm. If you would like to share, you can reply to this email with the ones you have been inspired to create. Love you.

Pure Divine Unconditional Love Always

Queen Oluwatobiloba