Trust In Who You Are
As I write this, I feel a profound stillness within me—a deep well of water that rests at the bottom of my soul, reflecting the depths of our collective humanity. It is calm, but the stillness is powerful, mirroring the echoes of our shared pain, fear, and longings. Our

Courageously Living From The Heart - Heart Frequency
Returning Home to the Heart: A Journey of Alchemizing Pain into Divine Love
It has taken many years of peeling back the layers, removing the barriers, and healing the wounds—years of revisiting the past, letting go of karmic patterns, and opening the storage of unprocessed emotions, feelings, pain, and hurt. Today, I can say with deep gratitude, it feels so good to finally be home. Home in the heart—where we all belong.
The heart knows

Attachment Is A DisEase Of The Heart
The elders say, attachment is the disEASE of the heart. You see in the holy odu of Okanran in the Ifa Corpus, the sacred ways of Olodumare of the Yoruba people from Yorubaland in Modern day Nigeria, Okanran is about what our heart is desiring. What the heart is desiring can sometimes be beneficial for the body, for the being. But often times, the heart desires from a set of conditions, from a set of programming. Sometimes from fear and child hood wounds and trauma.

New Moon Blessings And Rituals
Today the 4th of August is new moon day. New moon blessings to you. Every 28 days or there about, the moon renews its cycle. The new moon is the start of a new cycle. Traditionally this is a time for new beginnings, new projects, to start something new. Working with the energy of the new moon, adds natural energy from nature, to add extra support and make it easier to achieve what the new beginnings.

Money - Financial Abundance Is Your Divine Right
As we all know in the material world, money is the main form of energy exchange agreed upon by many. Of course in smaller places, situations or cases, other forms of exchange may be agreed upon. But widely, generally, money is the universal form of exchange. Money allows us to live, engage in the material world in a way that may benefits us. Money allows us to live a meaningful life. Money is a living currency, that can transform and change the life’s of many.