Take Off The Armour - The Courage To Live Vulnerably
The armour we consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously wear to protect ourselves, can often isolate us from the love, healing and connections we need and deserve.

Attachment Is A DisEase Of The Heart
The elders say, attachment is the disEASE of the heart. You see in the holy odu of Okanran in the Ifa Corpus, the sacred ways of Olodumare of the Yoruba people from Yorubaland in Modern day Nigeria, Okanran is about what our heart is desiring. What the heart is desiring can sometimes be beneficial for the body, for the being. But often times, the heart desires from a set of conditions, from a set of programming. Sometimes from fear and child hood wounds and trauma.

Waited For The New Moon To Write This Post
Sunday is usually the day I dedicate to sending out this free newsletter to all. Why Sunday? You may ask, it is the day where I can truly give energy, love and knowing to sharing the things I love that are meaningful, healing and knowledgeable to others.