Receive Help, Guidance and Support
Feeling stuck or uncertain, or simply in need of a little guidance? You’re not alone. Whether you’re seeking advice, support, or clarity as you navigate life’s challenges, help is closer than you think. Together, we can make your journey easier and more meaningful. Receive the wisdom, guidance, and support from the ancestral realms and let’s walk this transformative path together.

Praise Yourself, Encourage Yourself, Self Compassion and Unconditional Self Love
As we step into this new year, my prayer for you is that 2025 becomes the year you set yourself free — free to be happy, joyful, healthy, blessed, rich, wealthy, prosperous, and everything that lights your soul on fire. I pray that every day this year, when you wake up, you praise yourself, encourage yourself, be compassionate with yourself, and love yourself unconditionally.

A Place Called Divine
There is a place called Divine. It is a peaceful, calm, blissful, loving, caring, open space where your heart is at rest, your mind is clean and clear, all of your being is in Devotion to the most High. Nothing takes away your focus from the most high, absolutely nothing. In this place there is always peace, there is always hope, there is always joy. In this place everything is as it should be. In here fear does not exist, in here death does not exist, in here we live eternally. Not afraid to die, not living from fear, living from the essence of who we truly are. The Divine loves you, pure Divine unconditional love is what activates this state in our being. Pure Divine Unconditional Love for Your maker, for your creator. Pure Divine Unconditional Love for God.

Take Off The Armour - The Courage To Live Vulnerably
The armour we consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously wear to protect ourselves, can often isolate us from the love, healing and connections we need and deserve.

Fear Is A Great Teacher Most People Are Afraid To Learn From. The Unknown/Darkness is the place of many possibilities and Mysteries
The Unknown/Darkness is the place of many possibilities and mysteries. Never be afraid of the darkness! Never be afraid of the unknown! Fear can kill before one realizes none of it was true, that none of it made sense. Fear can make things appear bigger than they are, closer than they are, more conscious than they are. Fear can create mountains where there is a flowing stream, it can create a dry land, a desert where there is peace and tranquility. Fear can even create the fear of fear itself, where the chain…..

Money - Financial Abundance Is Your Divine Right
As we all know in the material world, money is the main form of energy exchange agreed upon by many. Of course in smaller places, situations or cases, other forms of exchange may be agreed upon. But widely, generally, money is the universal form of exchange. Money allows us to live, engage in the material world in a way that may benefits us. Money allows us to live a meaningful life. Money is a living currency, that can transform and change the life’s of many.

Life is what you believe it to be
If you believe life is an adventure, life will be an adventure for you. If you believe life is difficult, life will be difficult for you. If you believe life is full of suffering, life will be full of suffering for you. If you believe life is beautiful, life will be full of beauty for you. If you believe life is loving, life will be full of love for you. Life can be beautiful, adventurous, full of love, health, wealth..……… life can be whatever values/containers are most important for you.

Ancestral/Family Inheritance
What have you inherited from your family? What legacy and inheritance are you going to carry forward and leave behind? Some of the things you inherited from your family lineage have helped you to survive and they can also help you thrive. Yet some of the things may be preventing you from taking the next steps to living in your true authentic self or fully living out your destiny.