The Wisdom of The Emotional Body
Greetings and blessings to you where you are in the world. It is a pleasure and joy to be sharing this piece of writing and deep wisdom with you. As an Iyanifa, Yeye Osun, and Olorisa—High Priestess of Ifa and Osun, and Orisa Priestess —I am called to share wisdom and healing with the community I serve. My role is to channel messages of guidance that support your well-being, offering insights that, if embraced, can empower you to live a life of holistic health and true harmony.
The Healing And Miraculous Power of Prayers
Do you pray? By praying I don’t mean it has to be religious or spiritual. I mean praying to the highest power, the one you believe guides you, the one you speak to when things don’t go according to plan. I mean the one you secretly ask for help, when you have exhausted all of your might and power.
Great Mother Osun
When you are wealth, you will not be searching for wealth
When you are beauty, you will not be searching for beauty
When you are Joy, you will not be searching for joy
When you are grace, you will not be searching for grace
Amawamaro - Secret Knowledge Keeper
Yeye Osun - Mother Osun