Mythology, Mysticism & Magic. A 7 Part Journey. Part 1: The Story of Hanuman
The story of Hanuman. Have you ever had about Hanuman? Do you know any stories of Hanuman? Hanuman is usually depicted in the traditional Hindu story as a half monkey half human Hindu god with super or special powers. One of the qualities of Hanuman is that he uses his special powers in service to others

The Healing And Miraculous Power of Prayers Pt 2
How are you? How is your soul? And your spirit? And your health, wealth and wellbeing? These are all essential questions to ask ourself? reflect on? And perhaps take necessary actions, pathways to make the changes that are ripe for harvest.

Great Mother Osun
When you are wealth, you will not be searching for wealth
When you are beauty, you will not be searching for beauty
When you are Joy, you will not be searching for joy
When you are grace, you will not be searching for grace
Amawamaro - Secret Knowledge Keeper
Yeye Osun - Mother Osun

Waited For The New Moon To Write This Post
Sunday is usually the day I dedicate to sending out this free newsletter to all. Why Sunday? You may ask, it is the day where I can truly give energy, love and knowing to sharing the things I love that are meaningful, healing and knowledgeable to others.