In All Things, Give Thanks
To the one who is broken hearted, give thanks you have a heart that functions. To the one who’s lost a home, give thanks you had a home to lose. To the one is down trodden give thanks for one day you may make a change. In all things, give thanks. In all situations, give thanks. Why is it important to give thanks everyday?

Fear Is A Great Teacher Most People Are Afraid To Learn From. The Unknown/Darkness is the place of many possibilities and Mysteries
The Unknown/Darkness is the place of many possibilities and mysteries. Never be afraid of the darkness! Never be afraid of the unknown! Fear can kill before one realizes none of it was true, that none of it made sense. Fear can make things appear bigger than they are, closer than they are, more conscious than they are. Fear can create mountains where there is a flowing stream, it can create a dry land, a desert where there is peace and tranquility. Fear can even create the fear of fear itself, where the chain…..

Harvest The Hidden Blessings of The Full Moon of July 2024 In 2 Days
Other than the many various methods of astrology out there, there are many other ancestral and traditional ways for connecting with the hidden blessings and mysteries of the full moon. The full moon is a time where the night sky is at its brightest. The full moon shinning brightly in the night sky, illuminates……