A Place Called Divine
There is a place called Divine. It is a peaceful, calm, blissful, loving, caring, open space where your heart is at rest, your mind is clean and clear, all of your being is in Devotion to the most High. Nothing takes away your focus from the most high, absolutely nothing. In this place there is always peace, there is always hope, there is always joy. In this place everything is as it should be. In here fear does not exist, in here death does not exist, in here we live eternally. Not afraid to die, not living from fear, living from the essence of who we truly are. The Divine loves you, pure Divine unconditional love is what activates this state in our being. Pure Divine Unconditional Love for Your maker, for your creator. Pure Divine Unconditional Love for God.

The Healing And Miraculous Power of Prayers
Do you pray? By praying I don’t mean it has to be religious or spiritual. I mean praying to the highest power, the one you believe guides you, the one you speak to when things don’t go according to plan. I mean the one you secretly ask for help, when you have exhausted all of your might and power.