Queen Oluwatobiloba1

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Life is The Stories We Tell

I am not enough, I am not supported, I don’t know how to do it. I don’t have enough time, I don’t have enough money. I am not good enough, nobody will love me the way I am, I don’t belong, I am not wanted, everybody else seem to have it all and have it all figured it out, and so forth……….until infinity. Can you see and get the pattern? Life can be the stories we tell ourselves and others, and the stories we tell ourselves and others are the stories we end up living. You are the creator of your life! It is very important that the stories you tell yourself and others are the stories you love to read, hear, feel, experience.

Many of us in society today are addicted to over thinking, a form of self destruction, self sabotage and self abuse. Overthinking mainly occurs due to fear of the unknown and lack of self assurance. To let fear take over and overthink is a lack of faith in the Divine and control issues. When we believe the universe will always provide, care, support and love us, we can move forward in life with faith, taking loving inspired actions based on love so that our actions yield loving results for ourselves and all of existence.

So I ask you, are you ready to live in faith rather than fear? Are you willing to trust in God to guide and inspire you even though you may not be sure of what to do or how to do it? We are living in a time where consciousness level is rising, where we understand we are the masters of our own destiny. Choosing to step into our destiny with courage, determination, faith, hope will be the fire that keeps us rooted and grounded in love, and ensures we are all playing the part we have come here to play.

What new stories do you want to start telling yourself and others today? I belong, I am loved and supported by the universe, the universe cares for me, I trust God to always show me what to do and how to do it, I am more than enough, I have more than enough and I am grateful and appreciative of all I have. I am loved unconditionally for who I am, God makes a way for me where there seems to be no way, the money I need will come to me in the most loving, peaceful, gentle and graceful way. Do you feel the difference in the tone of the these stories contrary to the stories of I am not enough?

Whenever you catch yourself regressing into your shadow self, deploy your consciousness to reawaken to the true identity of who you are. You are enough! You are amazing! You are whole! You are Divine! You are love! You are divinely guided.

On April 21, the first ever online group unconditional self love program will be running. The unconditional self love program is for anyone that wants to live, build and be driven by love. It is a program that totally transforms your life and teaches, guides, supports, heals and provides you with practical tools that you can work with in all areas of your life. There will be ancestral healing, individual healing of trauma, blocks, insecurities, childhood wounds, toxic patterns and much more. The program will be capped to 22 people for intimacy, group support, connection and accountability.

Please share this with anyone you know may benefit from this program. There is early bird discount of 20% for those that book by the 31st of March. It will be 2 live online 2 hours group sessions every month for 3 months, starting 21st of April 2024. To reserve your place, reply to this email.

For those that are beginning to welcome the season of spring, wishing you all a lovely spring time. Pure Divine Unconditional Love Always

Queen Oluwatobiloba